16 February 2013

A Haberdashery Shop on London Bridge

Some people go to a lot of effort to preserve details of their family history. I've sometimes wondered whether I really care about what my great-grandfather ate for breakfast on, say, 26 June 1879.
Now there's a presentation given on February 12th at Gresham College by Mike Rendall who tells

"The fascinating story of an eighteenth century haberdasher who recorded what he ate, what he purchased, how he slept and what the weather was like in obsessive detail. He also kept newspaper cuttings and admission tickets, he copied sermons, and collected coins, shells, fossils and books."
A transcript of the lecture and background material is at http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/a-haberdashery-shop-on-london-bridge-journal-of-a-georgian-gentleman.
Want more? Check out http://blog.mikerendell.com/

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